The See Forever Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization that manages and supports the Maya Angelou Schools. For more than a decade, through innovation and persistence, See Forever/Maya Angelou Schools have run a highly successful academic program with a particular focus on:
- Court-involved youth
- Opportunity youth
- Students with special needs
- Students who would benefit from a non-traditional learning experience
Your tax-deductible contribution helps to support our mission to help students re-engage in school, heal from past challenges, and build the competencies they need to transition to become successful adults. While approximately 85% of our school’s funding comes from the government per-pupil allotment, the remaining 15% must be raised each year to pay for the wrap-around services we know our students need in order to succeed.
If you have any questions about fundraising or donating to the Maya Angelou Schools, please contact Leah Lamb, Chief Development Officer, at
“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back.”
-Dr. Maya Angelou
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The See Forever Foundation/Maya Angelou Schools?
Let Us Count the Ways!
Pictured to the left is Maya Angelou student Destiny Bennett.
Pictured to the left is Maya Angelou staff member Erica Davis, who attended a service-learning trip through LearnServe in South Africa in Summer 2019.
The Maya Angelou Mentor Program
The Maya Angelou Mentor Program serves as an extension to our main girls and boys mentoring program. To fulfill our goal of empowering girls and boys from various backgrounds attending Maya Angelou Public Charter School and the Young Adult Learning Center, we search for women and men with interest to serve as mentors. Our program structure includes a pairing of one volunteer mentor to one student participant, referred to as mentee. Our objective is for each mentor and mentee to build a close relationship with one another.
We want our mentors to discuss the importance of post-secondary education, alternative paths outside of post-secondary education, and civic responsibility. We are searching for women and men to have enriching conversations with their mentees addressing topics such as; social injustice, racism, healthy relationships, etc.