Alumni Spotlight: Romelle Simpson

Romelle Simpson1
Photo by Louis Forget


Romelle is a 2009 graduate of the Maya Angelou High School—Evans Campus, member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, New Futures Scholar, and a freelance make-up artist. She is currently enrolled at the University of the District of Columbia Community College in Paralegal Studies and works full time at Baker Hostetler LLP as a Trademark Formalities Specialist.

Although Romelle has accomplished a great deal, her life hasn’t been a proverbial crystal stair. In 2007, her mother passed away, changing Romelle’s life forever.

Romelle remembers, “I was thrust into independence. I was a high school student at Maya Angelou. Ironically, at the time of her death, most of my classes were teaching us about the importance of setting goals and holding ourselves accountable. I applied those lessons to almost every area of my life. I had to. I struggled to support myself financially, but I made it work. I would make plans, hold myself accountable, and see the plan through.”

Now, Romelle plans to become an accredited patent attorney and she is well on her way. With her New Futures Scholarship of $6,400, Romelle hopes to obtain an Associate in Applied Science degree as a Legal Assistant in the next couple of years. From there, she plans to earn a Bachelor’s Degree, graduate Law School, and take the Patent Bar Exam.

Romelle believes, “If I didn’t have it so hard, I wouldn’t be so great. I am motivated, determined, and focused. I am grateful to have the Office of Alumni Support in my corner and looking forward to expanding my support system.”

We are so proud of Romelle’s spirit of industriousness, her grit, and her volition to persevere. Shout out to you, Romelle! Stay motivated, determined, and focused.The Maya Family is looking forward to having a barred patent attorney as part of the alumni family!

Romelle Simpson-New Futures Scholars crop
Photo by Louis Forget